Music Market

About GloMMnet

[The first general meeting at WOMEX 2016]
01. What is GloMMnet?
GloMMnet(Global Music Market Network) is a nonprofit organization for music markets networking around the world.
02. Goal
- Coordinate dates of mutual events
- Exchange of mutual artists
- Mutual invitations between members
- Sharing mutual festival experiences
- Constant connections between members
03. Background
Music is one of the universal and cultural forms which overcome cultural barriers more easily than any other cultural forms. In the past ten years, there has been a considerable growth of music market events around the world. This means that music markets are blooming, and also means that the opportunity for music entrepreneurs, professionals and musicians could get a chance to grow to a large extent. Music markets expand our cultural horizons, teach us about other culture backgrounds and enrich our cultural lives.
04. Role
GloMMnet is an artist-driven organization and designed to connect musicians across the globe through a strong networking system within worldwide music market events. GloMMnet plays a role in promoting cultural expressions, spreading information and helping to communicate through global music market events.
05 .What can GloMMnet really make happen?
- GloMMnet helps to build and broaden audiences.
- GloMMnet provides strategic information and facilitates exchange and cooperation between different music cultures.
- GloMMnet proactively includes music market events in its membership.
- GloMMnet contributes to the coordination of mutual projects such as cross cultural collaborations and exchange of artists.
- GloMMnet advocates for under-represented musical cultures and genres.


Board Member
Jung Hun Lee / Seoul Music Week
Vice President
Rómulo Sanjurjo / SoL Madrid
Octavio Arbelaez / Circulart
Kaushik Dutta / IMM, Musiconnect Asia
Brahim El Mazned / Visa for Music
Fabio Scopino / Italian World Beat & Napoli World
We want to hear and connect.